Sunday, September 30, 2007


There is something about sunflowers that just makes me want to paint them. It's rather funny really, because I'd never say they were one of my favorite flowers. But I love the contrast of that bright yellow with the dark centers. I actually set up this still life for an oil painting, which is in progress on my easel, but they begged a watercolor sketch as well. Happy Autumn!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

A place in the sun

Autumn has arrived here in Flagstaff. The cool days and chilly nights have led me to add a couple blankets to the bed and rearrange the furniture so that I have a spot to sit in the afternoon sun.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Coffee Break

I'm a tea drinker rather than a coffee drinker, but coffee was the theme of one of the scavenger hunt challenges. This sketch includes a coffee mug I never use (except when company comes!), a slice of cake, a coffee packet and something to measure with.

Kitties working

Every cat has a job ~ Mollie and Thomas spend their day watching the birds and chipmunk on the patio! I think this is one of my very favorite watercolor sketches that I have done!

A can, something powdered that you can cook with and a green vegetable are the subjects of this hunt sketch. Hmmm, wonder what else we could add to come up with something yummy? I'm thinking a nice Spanish rice with sugar snap peas in place of green peppers!

Hidden Objects

Another Wet Canvas scavenger hunt sketch. This subject was to do a fireplace, but mine is hidden, so I decided to go ahead and sketch that anyway. The perspective was funny in order to get a glimpse of the fireplace (can you see it tucked back there behind the plant and TV?) and it skewed the rest of the sketch. One to learn from.
Finding the subjects for the Wet Canvas scavenger hunts forces me to think creatively about what I'm sketching and helps me to sketch things I typically wouldn't think of doing. Like this corner of my living room. The items that inspired this were; something taller than me; a hanging plant; eyeglasses with an eyeglass holder or chain.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Bunny Tales

Another watercolor sketch for the Wet Canvas Scavenger Hunt. Something blue ~ my 1884 copy of Andersen's Fairy Tales and something glass ~ a purple glass bunny given to me by a friend.